Replica Louis Vuitton MP134U LV Signature 35mm Belt for Sale.
fake Louis Vuitton knockoff MP134U LV Signature 35mm Belt on sale now, just need $95 and include free worldwide shipping.
You will get an AAAAA quality fake Louis Vuitton knockoff MP134U LV Signature 35mm Belt 1:1 made as the originals with a big discount, it will be delivered with LV dust bag and box. We believe you will love our products and we can do long business with each other.
Classic fake Louis Vuitton knockoff motifs are offset by modern accents in the Signature 35mm belt. The Monogram canvas strap features two loops which can be used to attach small pouches from the Leather Goods Collection, as seen in the Fall-Winter 2019 Show. This accessory is finished with Virgil Abloh’s handwritten signature engraved on the buckle.
Detailed Features: MP134U
35.43 x 13.78 inches
(Length x Width)
Width: 1.4 inches/3.5 cm
Monogram canvas, VVN leather
Calf leather lining
Gold-color hardware
Virgil Abloh’s signature engraved on buckle