Replica LV Idylle Blossom Necklace Louis Vuitton Q93670 for Sale.
LV Idylle Blossom Necklace fake Louis Vuitton knockoff Q93670 on sale now, just need $180 and include free worldwide shipping.
You will get an AAAAA quality LV Idylle Blossom Necklace fake Louis Vuitton knockoff Q93670 made as the originals with a big discount, it will be delivered with LV dust bag and box. We believe you will love our products and we can do long business with each other.
A dazzling statement piece, the LV Idylle Blossom necklace is cast from 18-kt white gold. The pendant, hand-set with rich diamond pavé, reprises the iconic LV initials designed by Georges Vuitton in 1896, as a tribute to his father. Precious and timeless, this beautifully crafted unisex jewel can be worn at three different lengths.
Detailed Features
LV Idylle Blossom Necklace
Length: ~55 cm, additional links at ~45 cm and ~50 cm