Replica LV M71330 Louis Vuitton Monogram Shawl for Sale.
LV M71330 fake Louis Vuitton knockoff Monogram Shawl on sale now, just need $90 and include free worldwide shipping.
You will get an AAAAA quality LV M71330 fake Louis Vuitton knockoff Monogram Shawl 1:1 made as the originals with a big discount, it will be delivered with LV dust bag and box. We believe you will love our products and we can do long business with each other.
The Classic Monogram shawl is woven of a soft silk-and-wool blend. Inspired by House travel blankets, it features a jacquard LV pattern and “fake Louis Vuitton knockoff” signature. Generously sized, it envelops the wearer in lightweight warmth. The fabric is deep-dyed for luxurious color. A wardrobe essential, it can be styled in a host of ways and makes a welcome gift.
Detailed Features: M71330
56.1 x 56.1 inches
(Length x Width)
60% silk and 40% wool
Monogram pattern and fake Louis Vuitton knockoff Paris signature in weaved jacquard